
PyPI distribution

Binary package is available on PyPI:

pip install skia-python

Supported platforms:

  • Linux x86_64, aarch64

  • macOS x86_64, arm64

  • Windows x86_64

For Linux platforms, there must be OpenGL and fontconfig installed:

apt-get install libfontconfig1 libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri


yum install fontconfig mesa-libGL mesa-dri-drivers

For unsupported platforms, check the Build instruction.

Build instruction

First, clone the repo.

git clone --recursive
cd skia-python

The repository bundles skia and its build tools (depot_tools) as submodules. skia must be built first to build Python binding.

The actual CI build procedures are implemented in scripts/build_${ os }.sh.

For building skia, there are a few compile-time requirements:

  • Run-time type information (RTTI) must be enabled.

    • -frtti flag for clang or gcc

    • /GR flag for cl.exe (Visual C++)

  • /MD flag must be set for cl.exe (Visual C++)

  • gn args should include skia_enable_tools = true to build skia.h header.

For detailed Skia build instructions, check the official page.



  • Python 2.7 (build time only)

  • GLIBC >= 2.17

  • fontconfig >= 2.10.93

  • OpenGL

Install dependencies:

apt-get install -y libfontconfig1-dev libgl-dev libgl1-mesa-dri


yum install -y fontconfig-devel mesa-libGL-devel mesa-dri-drivers

Set up PATH to the depot_tools. build skia library. At this point, python executable should be python 2. Note the build tools require relatively new glibc and python 2.7.

export PATH="$PWD/depot_tools:$PATH"
cd skia
python2 tools/git-sync-deps
bin/gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true skia_enable_tools=true skia_use_system_libjpeg_turbo=false skia_use_system_libwebp=false skia_use_system_libpng=false skia_use_system_icu=false skia_use_system_harfbuzz=false extra_cflags_cc=["-frtti"] extra_ldflags=["-lrt"]'
ninja -C out/Release skia skia.h
cd ..

Then, build the skia python binding. At this point, python should be set to the desired version.

export SKIA_PATH=$PWD/skia
export SKIA_OUT_PATH=$SKIA_PATH/out/Release
python -m pip install pybind11 numpy wheel
python bdist_wheel



  • Python 2.7 (build time only)

  • Xcode Command Line Tools

Set up PATH to the depot_tools, and build skia library. At this point, python executable should be python 2.

export PATH="$PWD/depot_tools:$PATH"
cd skia
python2 tools/git-sync-deps
bin/gn gen out/Release --args='is_official_build=true skia_enable_tools=true skia_use_system_libjpeg_turbo=false skia_use_system_libwebp=false skia_use_system_libpng=false skia_use_system_icu=false skia_use_system_harfbuzz=false extra_cflags_cc=["-frtti"]'
ninja -C out/Release skia skia.h
cd ..

Then, build the skia python binding. At this point, python should be set to the desired version.

export SKIA_PATH=$PWD/skia
export SKIA_OUT_PATH=$SKIA_PATH/out/Release
python -m pip install pybind11 numpy wheel
python bdist_wheel



  • Python 2.7 (build time only)

  • Visual C++ version that supports C++14

Windows binary can be built using the generic steps above.

$env:Path += ";$pwd\depot_tools"

cd skia
python2 tools\git-sync-deps
bin\gn gen out\Release --args="is_official_build=true skia_enable_tools=true skia_use_system_libjpeg_turbo=false skia_use_system_libwebp=false skia_use_system_libpng=false skia_use_system_icu=false skia_use_system_harfbuzz=false skia_use_system_expat=false skia_use_system_zlib=false extra_cflags_cc=[\"/GR\", \"/EHsc\", \"/MD\"] target_cpu=\"x86_64\""
ninja -C out\Release skia skia.h
cd ..

python -m pip install pybind11 numpy wheel
python bdist_wheel


python -m pip install pytest numpy glfw
python -m pytest tests

Alternatively, use tox to run tests under various python versions.

export SKIA_PATH=$PWD/skia
export SKIA_OUT_PATH=$SKIA_PATH/out/Release


Once skia-python is installed, sphinx documentation can be built:

python -m pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme
python build_sphinx