mexopencv  0.1
mex interface for opencv library
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 mexopencv.hppGlobal constant definitions
 mexopencv_features2d.hppCommon definitions for the features2d and xfeatures2d modules
 mexopencv_ml.hppCommon definitions for the ml module
 mexopencv_shape.hppCommon definitions for the shape module
 mexopencv_videostab.hppCommon definitions for the videostab module
 MxArray.hppMxArray and ConstMap declaration
 mexopencv_features2d.cppImplementation of mexopencv_features2d
 mexopencv_ml.cppImplementation of mexopencv_ml
 mexopencv_shape.cppImplementation of mexopencv_shape
 mexopencv_videostab.cppImplementation of mexopencv_videostab
 MxArray.cppImplementation of MxArray