Create a new or load an existing HOG descriptor and detector
hog = cv.HOGDescriptor()
hog = cv.HOGDescriptor('PropertyName', propertyValue, ...)
hog = cv.HOGDescriptor(filename)
- filename Filename of existing HOG descriptor config to
load from (XML or YAML). This is handled by the load
- hog HOG descriptor object.
- WinSize Detection window size. Align to block size and
block stride. default [64,128]
- BlockSize Block size in pixels. Align to cell size.
default [16,16]
- BlockStride Block stride. It must be a multiple of cell
size. default [8,8]
- CellSize Cell size. default [8,8]
- NBins Number of bins. default 9
- DerivAperture Derivative of aperture. default 1
- WinSigma Gaussian smoothing window parameter. default -1
(corresponds to
- HistogramNormType Histogram normalization method.
default 'L2Hys'
- L2HysThreshold L2-Hys normalization method shrinkage.
default 0.2
- GammaCorrection Flag to specify whether the gamma
correction preprocessing is required or not. default true
- NLevels Maximum number of detection window increases.
default 64
- SignedGradient Flag to specify whether orientations range
in 0-180 (false) or 0-360 (true) degrees. 0-180 mean that
positive/negative directions count as the same histogram
bin. default false