MATLAB File Help: cv | Index |
Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library
AdaptiveManifoldFilter | Interface for Adaptive Manifold Filter realizations |
BackgroundSubtractorGMG | Background Subtractor module |
BackgroundSubtractorMOG | Gaussian Mixture-based Backbround/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
BriefDescriptorExtractor | Class for computing BRIEF descriptors. |
DAISY | Class implementing DAISY descriptor. |
DPMDetector | Deformable Part-based Models (DPM) detector |
DTFilter | Interface for realizations of Domain Transform filter |
DisparityWLSFilter | Disparity map filter based on Weighted Least Squares filter |
EdgeAwareInterpolator | Sparse match interpolation algorithm |
FREAK | Class implementing the FREAK (Fast Retina Keypoint) keypoint descriptor. |
FastGlobalSmootherFilter | Interface for implementations of Fast Global Smoother filter |
FastHoughTransform | Calculates 2D Fast Hough transform of an image |
GraphSegmentation | Graph Based Segmentation algorithm |
GuidedFilter | Interface for realizations of Guided Filter |
HoughPoint2Line | Calculates coordinates of line segment corresponded by point in Hough space |
LATCH | Class for computing the LATCH descriptor. |
LUCID | Class implementing the Locally Uniform Comparison Image Descriptor. |
MSDDetector | Class implementing the MSD (*Maximal Self-Dissimilarity*) keypoint detector. |
MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014 | A Fast Self-tuning Background Subtraction Algorithm for Motion Saliency |
ObjectnessBING | The Binarized normed gradients algorithm for Objectness |
SIFT | Class for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors using the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). |
SURF | Class for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features from an image. |
StarDetector | The class implements the Star keypoint detector. |
StaticSaliencySpectralResidual | The Spectral Residual approach for Static Saliency |
StructuredEdgeDetection | Class implementing edge detection algorithm |
SuperpixelLSC | Class implementing the LSC (Linear Spectral Clustering) superpixels algorithm |
SuperpixelSEEDS | Class implementing the SEEDS (Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling) superpixels algorithm |
SuperpixelSLIC | Class implementing the SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering) superpixels algorithm |
WBDetector | WaldBoost detector |
autowbGrayworld | Implements a simple grayworld white balance algorithm |
balanceWhite | The function implements different algorithm of automatic white balance |
calcGlobalOrientation | Calculates a global motion orientation in a selected region |
calcMotionGradient | Calculates a gradient orientation of a motion history image |
calcOpticalFlowDF | DeepFlow optical flow algorithm implementation |
calcOpticalFlowSF | Calculate an optical flow using "SimpleFlow" algorithm |
calcOpticalFlowSparseToDense | Fast dense optical flow based on PyrLK sparse matches interpolation |
covarianceEstimation | Computes the estimated covariance matrix of an image using the sliding window forumlation |
dctDenoising | The function implements simple dct-based denoising |
inpaint2 | The function implements different single-image inpainting algorithms |
jointBilateralFilter | Applies the joint bilateral filter to an image |
l0Smooth | Global image smoothing via L0 gradient minimization |
niBlackThreshold | Applies Niblack thresholding to input image |
readOpticalFlow | Read a .flo file |
rollingGuidanceFilter | Applies the rolling guidance filter to an image |
segmentMotion | Splits a motion history image into a few parts corresponding to separate independent motions (for example, left hand, right hand) |
updateMotionHistory | Updates the motion history image by a moving silhouette |
writeOpticalFlow | Write a .flo to disk |
AGAST | Detects corners using the AGAST algorithm |
AKAZE | Class implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor |
ANN_MLP | Artificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer Perceptrons |
AgastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST method. |
AlignMTB | Aligns images of the same scene with different exposures |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor | Class to compute an image descriptor using the bag of visual words |
BOWKMeansTrainer | kmeans-based class to train visual vocabulary using the bag of visual words approach |
BRISK | Class implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractor |
BackgroundSubtractorKNN | K-nearest neigbours based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 | Gaussian Mixture-based Backbround/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
Boost | Boosting |
CLAHE | Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization |
CalibrateDebevec | Camera Response Calibration algorithm |
CalibrateRobertson | Camera Response Calibration algorithm |
CamShift | Finds an object center, size, and orientation |
Canny | Finds edges in an image using the Canny algorithm |
CascadeClassifier | Haar Feature-based Cascade Classifier for Object Detection |
ConjGradSolver | Non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function with known gradient. |
DTrees | Decision Trees |
DescriptorExtractor | Common interface of 2D image Descriptor Extractors. |
DescriptorMatcher | Common interface for matching keypoint descriptors. |
DownhillSolver | Non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function. |
DualTVL1OpticalFlow | "Dual TV L1" Optical Flow Algorithm |
EM | Expectation Maximization Algorithm |
EMD | Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations |
EMDL1 | Computes the "minimal work" distance between two weighted point configurations |
FAST | Detects corners using the FAST algorithm |
FastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method. |
FeatureDetector | Common interface of 2D image Feature Detectors. |
FileStorage | Reading from or writing to a XML/YAML file storage |
GFTTDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack function. |
GaussianBlur | Smoothes an image using a Gaussian filter |
GeneralizedHoughBallard | Generalized Hough transform |
GeneralizedHoughGuil | Generalized Hough transform |
HOGDescriptor | Histogram of Oriented Gaussian (HOG) descriptor and detector |
HausdorffDistanceExtractor | A simple Hausdorff distance measure between shapes defined by contours |
HoughCircles | Finds circles in a grayscale image using the Hough transform |
HoughLines | Finds lines in a binary image using the standard Hough transform |
HoughLinesP | Finds line segments in a binary image using the probabilistic Hough transform |
HuMoments | Calculates seven Hu invariants |
KAZE | Class implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor. |
KNearest | The class implements K-Nearest Neighbors model |
KalmanFilter | Kalman filter class |
KeyPointsFilter | Methods to filter a vector of keypoints. |
LDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis |
Laplacian | Calculates the Laplacian of an image |
LineSegmentDetector | Line segment detector class. |
LogisticRegression | Logistic Regression classifier |
MSER | Maximally Stable Extremal Region extractor |
Mahalanobis | Calculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors |
MergeDebevec | Merge exposure sequence to a single image |
MergeMertens | Merge exposure sequence to a single image |
MergeRobertson | Merge exposure sequence to a single image |
NormalBayesClassifier | Bayes classifier for normally distributed data |
ORB | Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor. |
OnePassStabilizer | A one-pass video stabilizer |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis class |
PSNR | Computes PSNR image/video quality metric |
RQDecomp3x3 | Computes an RQ decomposition of 3x3 matrices |
RTrees | Random Trees |
Rodrigues | Converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versa |
RotatedRect | The class represents rotated (i.e. not up-right) rectangles on a plane. |
SVD | Singular Value Decomposition |
SVM | Support Vector Machines |
Scharr | Calculates the first x- or y- image derivative using Scharr operator |
ShapeContextDistanceExtractor | Implementation of the Shape Context descriptor and matching algorithm |
SimilarRects | Class for grouping object candidates, detected by Cascade Classifier, HOG etc. |
SimpleBlobDetector | Class for extracting blobs from an image. |
Sobel | Calculates the first, second, third, or mixed image derivatives using an extended Sobel operator |
StereoBM | Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm |
StereoSGBM | Class for computing stereo correspondence using the semi-global block matching algorithm |
Subdiv2D | Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi tesselation |
SuperResolution | Class for a whole family of Super Resolution algorithms |
Tonemap | Tonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
TonemapDrago | Tonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
TonemapDurand | Tonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
TonemapMantiuk | Tonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
TonemapReinhard | Tonemapping algorithm used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
TwoPassStabilizer | A two-pass video stabilizer |
Utils | Utility and system information functions. |
VideoCapture | Class for video capturing from video files or cameras |
VideoWriter | Video Writer class |
accumulate | Adds an image to the accumulator |
accumulateProduct | Adds the per-element product of two input images to the accumulator |
accumulateSquare | Adds the square of a source image to the accumulator |
accumulateWeighted | Updates a running average |
adaptiveThreshold | Applies an adaptive threshold to an array |
applyColorMap | Applies a GNU Octave/MATLAB equivalent colormap on a given image |
approxPolyDP | Approximates a polygonal curve(s) with the specified precision |
arcLength | Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length |
arrowedLine | Draws an arrow segment pointing from the first point to the second one. |
batchDistance | Naive nearest neighbor finder |
bilateralFilter | Applies the bilateral filter to an image |
blendLinear | Performs linear blending of two images. |
blur | Smoothes an image using the normalized box filter |
borderInterpolate | Computes the source location of an extrapolated pixel. |
boundingRect | Calculates the up-right bounding rectangle of a point set |
boxFilter | Blurs an image using the box filter |
boxPoints | Finds the four vertices of a rotated rectangle |
buildOpticalFlowPyramid | Constructs the image pyramid which can be passed to cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK |
buildPyramid | Constructs the Gaussian pyramid for an image |
calcBackProject | Calculates the back projection of a histogram |
calcBlurriness | Calculate image blurriness |
calcCovarMatrix | Calculates the covariance matrix of a set of vectors. |
calcHist | Calculates a histogram of a set of arrays |
calcOpticalFlowFarneback | Computes a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm |
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK | Calculates an optical flow for a sparse feature set using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids |
calibrateCamera | Finds the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters from several views of a calibration pattern |
calibrationMatrixValues | Computes useful camera characteristics from the camera matrix |
circle | Draws a circle |
clipLine | Clips the line against the image rectangle |
colorChange | Color Change |
compareHist | Compares two histograms |
composeRT | Combines two rotation-and-shift transformations |
computeCorrespondEpilines | For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image |
computeRecallPrecisionCurve | Evaluate a descriptor extractor by computing precision/recall curve |
connectedComponents | Computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image |
contourArea | Calculates a contour area |
convertMaps | Converts image transformation maps from one representation to another |
convertPointsFromHomogeneous | Converts points from homogeneous to Euclidean space |
convertPointsToHomogeneous | Converts points from Euclidean to homogeneous space |
convertScaleAbs | Scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit |
convexHull | Finds the convex hull of a point set |
convexityDefects | Finds the convexity defects of a contour |
copyMakeBorder | Forms a border around an image. |
cornerEigenValsAndVecs | Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of image blocks for corner detection |
cornerHarris | Harris corner detector |
cornerMinEigenVal | Calculates the minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection |
cornerSubPix | Refines the corner locations |
correctMatches | Refines coordinates of corresponding points |
createConcentricSpheresTestSet | Creates test set |
createHanningWindow | Computes a Hanning window coefficients in two dimensions |
cvtColor | Converts an image from one color space to another |
decolor | Transforms a color image to a grayscale image |
decomposeEssentialMat | Decompose an essential matrix to possible rotations and translation |
decomposeHomographyMat | DECOMPOSEESSENTIALMAT Decompose a homography matrix to rotation(s), translation(s) and plane normal(s) |
decomposeProjectionMatrix | Decomposes a projection matrix into a rotation matrix and a camera matrix |
demosaicing | Demosaicing algorithm |
denoise_TVL1 | Primal-Dual algorithm to perform image denoising |
detailEnhance | This filter enhances the details of a particular image |
dilate | Dilates an image by using a specific structuring element |
distanceTransform | Calculates the distance to the closest zero pixel for each pixel of the source image |
drawChessboardCorners | Renders the detected chessboard corners |
drawContours | Draws contours outlines or filled contours |
drawKeypoints | Draws keypoints |
drawMarker | Draws a marker on a predefined position in an image |
drawMatches | Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images |
edgePreservingFilter | Edge-preserving smoothing filter |
eigen | Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix |
ellipse | Draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector |
ellipse2Poly | Approximates an elliptic arc with a polyline |
equalizeHist | Equalizes the histogram of a grayscale image |
erode | Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element |
estimateAffine3D | Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 3D point sets |
estimateGlobalMotionLeastSquares | Estimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds in the least-squares sense |
estimateGlobalMotionRansac | Estimates best global motion between two 2D point clouds robustly (using RANSAC method) |
estimateRigidTransform | Computes an optimal affine transformation between two 2D point sets |
evaluateFeatureDetector | Evaluates a feature detector |
fastNlMeansDenoising | Image denoising using Non-local Means Denoising algorithm |
fastNlMeansDenoisingColored | Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images |
fastNlMeansDenoisingColoredMulti | Modification of fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti function for colored images sequences |
fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti | Modification of fastNlMeansDenoising function for colored images sequences |
fillConvexPoly | Fills a convex polygon |
fillPoly | Fills the area bounded by one or more polygons |
filter2D | Convolves an image with the kernel |
filterSpeckles | Filters off small noise blobs (speckles) in the disparity map |
find4QuadCornerSubpix | Finds subpixel-accurate positions of the chessboard corners |
findChessboardCorners | Finds the positions of internal corners of the chessboard |
findCirclesGrid | Finds the centers in the grid of circles |
findContours | Finds contours in a binary image |
findEssentialMat | Calculates an essential matrix from the corresponding points in two images |
findFundamentalMat | Calculates a fundamental matrix from the corresponding points in two images |
findHomography | Finds a perspective transformation between two planes |
findTransformECC | Finds the geometric transform (warp) between two images in terms of the ECC criterion |
fitEllipse | Fits an ellipse around a set of 2D points |
fitLine | Fits a line to a 2D or 3D point set |
flip | Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes |
floodFill | Fills a connected component with the given color |
getAffineTransform | Calculates an affine transform from three pairs of the corresponding points |
getBuildInformation | Returns OpenCV build information |
getDefaultNewCameraMatrix | Returns the default new camera matrix |
getDerivKernels | Returns filter coefficients for computing spatial image derivatives |
getGaborKernel | Returns Gabor filter coefficients |
getGaussianKernel | Returns Gaussian filter coefficients |
getOptimalNewCameraMatrix | Returns the new camera matrix based on the free scaling parameter |
getPerspectiveTransform | Calculates a perspective transform from four pairs of the corresponding points |
getRectSubPix | Retrieves a pixel rectangle from an image with sub-pixel accuracy |
getRotationMatrix2D | Calculates an affine matrix of 2D rotation |
getStructuringElement | Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations |
getTextSize | Calculates the width and height of a text string |
getValidDisparityROI | Computes valid disparity ROI from the valid ROIs of the rectified images |
glob | Find all pathnames matching a specified pattern |
goodFeaturesToTrack | Determines strong corners on an image |
grabCut | Runs the GrabCut algorithm |
groupRectangles | Groups the object candidate rectangles |
groupRectangles_meanshift | Groups the object candidate rectangles using meanshift |
illuminationChange | Illumination Change |
imdecode | Reads an image from a buffer in memory |
imencode | Encodes an image into a memory buffer |
imread | Loads an image from a file |
imreadmulti | Loads a multi-page image from a file |
imwrite | Saves an image to a specified file |
inRange | Checks if array elements lie between the elements of two other arrays |
initCameraMatrix2D | Finds an initial camera matrix from 3D-2D point correspondences |
initUndistortRectifyMap | Computes the undistortion and rectification transformation map |
initWideAngleProjMap | initializes maps for cv.remap for wide-angle |
inpaint | Restores the selected region in an image using the region neighborhood |
integral | Calculates the integral of an image |
intersectConvexConvex | Finds intersection of two convex polygons |
invert | Finds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix |
invertAffineTransform | Inverts an affine transformation |
isContourConvex | Tests a contour convexity |
kmeans | Finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters |
line | Draws a line segment connecting two points |
linearPolar | Remaps an image to polar space |
logPolar | Remaps an image to log-polar space |
matMulDeriv | Computes partial derivatives of the matrix product for each multiplied matrix |
matchShapes | Compares two shapes |
matchTemplate | Compares a template against overlapped image regions |
meanShift | Finds an object on a back projection image |
medianBlur | Blurs an image using the median filter |
minAreaRect | Finds a rotated rectangle of the minimum area enclosing the input 2D point set |
minEnclosingCircle | Finds a circle of the minimum area enclosing a 2D point set |
minEnclosingTriangle | Finds a triangle of minimum area enclosing a 2D point set and returns its area. |
moments | Calculates all of the moments up to the third order of a polygon or rasterized shape |
morphologyEx | Performs advanced morphological transformations |
norm | Calculates an absolute array norm, an absolute difference norm, or a relative difference norm. |
normalize | Normalizes the norm or value range of an array |
pencilSketch | Pencil-like non-photorealistic line drawing |
perspectiveTransform | Performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors |
phaseCorrelate | Detect translational shifts that occur between two images |
pointPolygonTest | Performs a point-in-contour test |
polylines | Draws several polygonal curves |
preCornerDetect | Calculates a feature map for corner detection |
projectPoints | Projects 3D points to an image plane |
putText | Draws a text string |
pyrDown | Blurs an image and downsamples it |
pyrMeanShiftFiltering | Performs initial step of meanshift segmentation of an image |
pyrUp | Upsamples an image and then blurs it |
randMVNormal | Generates sample from multivariate normal distribution |
recoverPose | Recover relative camera rotation and translation from an estimated essential matrix and the corresponding points in two images, using cheirality check |
rectangle | Draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle |
rectify3Collinear | Computes the rectification transformations for 3-head camera, where all the heads are on the same line |
remap | Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image |
reprojectImageTo3D | Reprojects a disparity image to 3D space |
resize | Resizes an image |
rotatedRectangleIntersection | Finds out if there is any intersection between two rotated rectangles. |
sampsonDistance | Calculates the Sampson Distance between two points |
seamlessClone | Seamless Cloning |
sepFilter2D | Applies a separable linear filter to an image |
solve | Solves one or more linear systems or least-squares problems. |
solveLP | Solve given (non-integer) linear programming problem using the Simplex Algorithm. |
solvePnP | Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences |
solvePnPRansac | Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme |
spatialGradient | Calculates the first order image derivative in both x and y using a Sobel operator |
sqrBoxFilter | Calculates the normalized sum of squares of the pixel values overlapping the filter |
stereoCalibrate | Calibrates the stereo camera |
stereoRectify | Computes rectification transforms for each head of a calibrated stereo camera |
stereoRectifyUncalibrated | Computes a rectification transform for an uncalibrated stereo camera |
stylization | Stylization filter |
tempfile | Return name of a temporary file |
textureFlattening | Texture Flattening |
threshold | Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element |
transform | Performs the matrix transformation of every array element |
triangulatePoints | Reconstructs points by triangulation |
undistort | Transforms an image to compensate for lens distortion |
undistortPoints | Computes the ideal point coordinates from the observed point coordinates |
validateDisparity | Validates disparity using the left-right check |
warpAffine | Applies an affine transformation to an image |
warpPerspective | Applies a perspective transformation to an image |
watershed | Performs a marker-based image segmentation using the watershed algrorithm |