MATLAB File Help: cv.SVM/trainAuto Index

Trains an SVM with optimal parameters

status = model.trainAuto(samples, responses)
status = model.trainAuto(csvFilename, [])
[...] = model.trainAuto(..., 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)




The method trains the SVM model automatically by choosing the optimal parameters C, Gamma, P, Nu, Coef0, Degree of an SVM model. Parameters are considered optimal when the cross-validation estimate of the test set error is minimal.

If there is no need to optimize a parameter, the corresponding grid step should be set to any value less than or equal to 1. For example, to avoid optimization in gamma, set logStep = 0 in GammaGrid, and minVal, maxVal as arbitrary numbers. In this case, the value of the parameter Gamma is taken for gamma.

And, finally, if the optimization in a parameter is required but the corresponding grid is unknown, you may set it by name to obtain the default grid of that parameter. To generate a grid, for example, for gamma, set GammaGrid='Gamma'.

This function works for the classification (C_SVC or NU_SVC) as well as for the regression (EPS_SVR or NU_SVR). For ONE_CLASS, no optimization is made and the usual SVM with the specified parameters is executed.

See also
Method Details
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