Detects corners using the AGAST algorithm
keypoints = cv.AGAST(im)
keypoints = cv.AGAST(im, 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)
- im 8-bit grayscale image where keypoints (corners) are to be detected.
- keypoints Keypoints detected on the image. A 1-by-N structure array.
It has the following fields:
- pt coordinates of the keypoint [x,y]
- size diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
- angle computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if not applicable).
Its possible values are in a range [0,360) degrees. It is measured
relative to image coordinate system (y-axis is directed downward),
ie in clockwise.
- response the response by which the most strong keypoints have been
selected. Can be used for further sorting or subsampling.
- octave octave (pyramid layer) from which the keypoint has been
- class_id object id that can be used to clustered keypoints by an
object they belong to.
- Threshold Threshold on difference between intensity of the central
pixel and pixels on a circle around this pixel. default 10.
- NonmaxSuppression If it is true, non-maximum supression is applied
to detected corners (keypoints). default true.
- Type one of the four neighborhoods as defined in the paper:
- AGAST_5_8
- AGAST_7_12d
- AGAST_7_12s
- OAST_9_16 (default)
Detects corners using the AGAST algorithm by [mair2010].
For non-Intel platforms, there is a tree optimised variant of AGAST with
same numerical results. The 32-bit binary tree tables were generated
automatically from original code using perl script.
E. Mair, G. D. Hager, D. Burschka, M. Suppa, and G. Hirzinger.
"Adaptive and generic corner detection based on the accelerated segment
test". In "European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'10)", Sept 2010.