MATLAB File Help: cv.StructuredEdgeDetection/StructuredEdgeDetection Index

The only constructor

obj = cv.StructuredEdgeDetection(model)
obj = cv.StructuredEdgeDetection(model, howToGetFeatures)



The following is an example of a custom feature extractor MATLAB function:

% This function extracts feature channels from src. The
% StructureEdgeDetection uses this feature space to detect
% edges.
function features = myRFFeatureGetter(src, opts)
    % src: source image to extract features
    % features: output n-channel floating-point feature matrix
    % opts: struct of options
    gnrmRad = opts.gradientNormalizationRadius;
    gsmthRad = opts.gradientSmoothingRadius;
    shrink = opts.shrinkNumber;
    outNum = opts.numberOfOutputChannels;
    gradNum = opts.numberOfGradientOrientations;

    nsize = [size(src,1) size(src,2)] ./ shrink;
    features = zeros([nsize outNum], 'single');
    % ... here your feature extraction code

TODO: Custom extractor is not internally used in the current cv.StructuredEdgeDetection implementation. See for more information about training your own structured forest (it uses an external MATLAB toolbox for the training part).

See also