MATLAB File Help: cv.StructuredEdgeDetection | Index |
Class implementing edge detection algorithm
As described in [Dollar2013].
This module contains implementations of modern structured edge detection algorithms, i.e. algorithms which somehow takes into account pixel affinities in natural images.
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Piotr Dollar and C Lawrence Zitnick. "Structured forests for fast edge detection". In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2013, pages 1841-1848.
Joseph J Lim, C Lawrence Zitnick, and Piotr DollAr. "Sketch tokens: A learned mid-level representation for contour and object detection". In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, pages 3158-3165.
Superclasses | handle |
Sealed | false |
Construct on load | false |
StructuredEdgeDetection | The only constructor |
id | Object ID |
addlistener | Add listener for event. | |
clear | Clears the algorithm state | |
delete | Destructor | |
detectEdges | The function detects edges in src and draw them to dst | |
empty | Checks if detector object is empty. | |
eq | == (EQ) Test handle equality. | |
findobj | Find objects matching specified conditions. | |
findprop | Find property of MATLAB handle object. | |
ge | >= (GE) Greater than or equal relation for handles. | |
getDefaultName | Returns the algorithm string identifier | |
gt | > (GT) Greater than relation for handles. | |
Sealed | isvalid | Test handle validity. |
le | <= (LE) Less than or equal relation for handles. | |
load | Loads algorithm from a file or a string | |
lt | < (LT) Less than relation for handles. | |
ne | ~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles. | |
notify | Notify listeners of event. | |
save | Saves the algorithm parameters to a file |