MATLAB File Help: cv.projectPoints Index

Projects 3D points to an image plane

imagePoints = cv.projectPoints(objectPoints, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix)
[imagePoints, jacobian] = cv.projectPoints(...)
[...] = cv.projectPoints(..., 'OptionName', optionValue, ...)




The function computes projections of 3D points to the image plane given intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters. Optionally, the function computes Jacobians - matrices of partial derivatives of image points coordinates (as functions of all the input parameters) with respect to the particular parameters, intrinsic and/or extrinsic. The Jacobians are used during the global optimization in cv.calibrateCamera, cv.solvePnP, and cv.stereoCalibrate. The function itself can also be used to compute a re-projection error given the current intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.


By setting rvec=tvec=[0,0,0] or by setting cameraMatrix to a 3x3 identity matrix, or by passing zero distortion coefficients, you can get various useful partial cases of the function. This means that you can compute the distorted coordinates for a sparse set of points or apply a perspective transformation (and also compute the derivatives) in the ideal zero-distortion setup.

See also