- class ColorFilter
ColorFilters are optional objects in the drawing pipeline.
When present in a paint, they are called with the “src” colors, and return new colors, which are then passed onto the next stage (either ImageFilter or Xfermode).
All subclasses are required to be reentrant-safe : it must be legal to share the same instance between several threads.
Color filter that provides transformations to improve contrast for users with low vision.
multiplies the luma of its input into the alpha channel, and sets the red, green, and blue channels to zero.Uses the value in the src alpha channel to set the dst pixel.
If the filter can be represented by a 5x4 matrix, this returns list of floats appropriately.
If the filter can be represented by a source color plus Mode, this returns color and mode appropriately.
Converts the src color (in src colorspace), into the dst colorspace, then applies this filter to it, returning the filtered color in the dst colorspace.
Returns the flags for this filter.
Returns the name of the object's class.
Construct a colorfilter whose effect is to first apply the inner filter and then apply this filter, applied to the output of the inner filter.
Increment the reference count.
May return true if the caller is the only owner.
Decrement the reference count.
- static ColorFilter.Deserialize(data: Buffer) skia.ColorFilter
- ColorFilter.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- ColorFilter.asAColorMatrix(self: skia.ColorFilter) object
If the filter can be represented by a 5x4 matrix, this returns list of floats appropriately.
If not, this returns None.
- Return type:
List[float] or None
- ColorFilter.asAColorMode(self: skia.ColorFilter) object
If the filter can be represented by a source color plus Mode, this returns color and mode appropriately.
If not, this returns None.
- Return type:
Tuple[int,skia.BlendMode] or None
- ColorFilter.asColorMode(self: skia.ColorFilter) object
- ColorFilter.filterColor(self: skia.ColorFilter, color: int) int
- ColorFilter.filterColor4f(self: skia.ColorFilter, srcColor: skia.Color4f, srcCS: skia.ColorSpace, dstCS: skia.ColorSpace) skia.Color4f
Converts the src color (in src colorspace), into the dst colorspace, then applies this filter to it, returning the filtered color in the dst colorspace.
- ColorFilter.getFlags(self: skia.ColorFilter) int
Returns the flags for this filter.
Override in subclasses to return custom flags.
- ColorFilter.getFlattenableType(self: skia.Flattanable) skia.Flattanable.Type
- ColorFilter.getTypeName(self: skia.Flattanable) str
Returns the name of the object’s class.
Implemented in
- ColorFilter.makeComposed(self: skia.ColorFilter, inner: skia.ColorFilter) skia.ColorFilter
Construct a colorfilter whose effect is to first apply the inner filter and then apply this filter, applied to the output of the inner filter.
result = this(inner(…))
- ColorFilter.ref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None
Increment the reference count.
Must be balanced by a call to
- ColorFilter.serialize(self: skia.Flattanable) skia.Data
- ColorFilter.unique(self: skia.RefCntBase) bool
May return true if the caller is the only owner.
Ensures that all previous owner’s actions are complete.
- ColorFilter.unref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None
Decrement the reference count.
If the reference count is 1 before the decrement, then delete the object. Note that if this is the case, then the object needs to have been allocated via new, and not on the stack.
- ColorFilter.kAlphaUnchanged_Flag = <Flags.kAlphaUnchanged_Flag: 1>
- ColorFilter.kColorFilter_Type = <Type.kColorFilter_Type: 0>
- ColorFilter.kDrawLooper_Type = <Type.kDrawLooper_Type: 2>
- ColorFilter.kDrawable_Type = <Type.kDrawable_Type: 1>
- ColorFilter.kImageFilter_Type = <Type.kImageFilter_Type: 3>
- ColorFilter.kMaskFilter_Type = <Type.kMaskFilter_Type: 4>
- ColorFilter.kPathEffect_Type = <Type.kPathEffect_Type: 5>
- ColorFilter.kPixelRef_Type = <Type.kPixelRef_Type: 6>
- ColorFilter.kShaderBase_Type = <Type.kShaderBase_Type: 8>
- ColorFilter.kUnused_Type = <Type.kUnused_Type: 9>
- ColorFilter.kUnused_Type2 = <Type.kUnused_Type2: 10>
- ColorFilter.kUnused_Type3 = <Type.kUnused_Type3: 11>
- ColorFilter.kUnused_Type4 = <Type.kUnused_Type4: 7>