- class Vertices
An immutable set of vertex data that can be used with
Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays.
Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays.
- static Vertices.MakeCopy(mode: skia.Vertices.VertexMode, positions: list[skia.Point], texs: object = None, colors: object = None, indices: object = None) skia.Vertices
Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays.
- Parameters:
mode (skia.Vertices.VertexMode) – vertex mode
positions (List[skia.Point]) – List of points
texs (List[skia.Point]) – List of texs; may be None
colors (List[int]) – List of colors; may be None
indices (List[int]) – Optional list of indices; may be None
- Vertices.__init__(self: skia.Vertices, mode: skia.Vertices.VertexMode, positions: list[skia.Point], texs: object = None, colors: object = None, indices: object = None) None
Create a vertices by copying the specified arrays.
- Parameters:
mode (skia.Vertices.VertexMode) – vertex mode
positions (List[skia.Point]) – List of points
texs (List[skia.Point]) – List of texs; may be None
colors (List[int]) – List of colors; may be None
indices (List[int]) – Optional list of indices; may be None
- Vertices.approximateSize(self: skia.Vertices) int
- Vertices.bounds(self: skia.Vertices) skia.Rect
- Vertices.deref(self: skia.Vertices) None
- Vertices.ref(self: skia.Vertices) None
- Vertices.refCntGreaterThan(self: skia.Vertices, count: int) bool
- Vertices.unique(self: skia.Vertices) bool
- Vertices.uniqueID(self: skia.Vertices) int
- Vertices.unref(self: skia.Vertices) None
- Vertices.kLast_VertexMode = <VertexMode.kTriangleFan_VertexMode: 2>
- Vertices.kTriangleFan_VertexMode = <VertexMode.kTriangleFan_VertexMode: 2>
- Vertices.kTriangleStrip_VertexMode = <VertexMode.kTriangleStrip_VertexMode: 1>
- Vertices.kTriangles_VertexMode = <VertexMode.kTriangles_VertexMode: 0>