- class Typeface
class specifies the typeface and intrinsic style of a font.This is used in the paint, along with optionally algorithmic settings like textSize, textSkewX, textScaleX, kFakeBoldText_Mask, to specify how text appears when drawn (and measured).
Typeface objects are immutable, and so they can be shared between threads.
typeface = skia.Typeface() typeface = skia.Typeface('Arial') typeface = skia.Typeface('Arial', skia.FontStyle.Bold())
A typeface can serialize just a descriptor (names, etc.), or it can also
Returns true if the two typefaces reference the same underlying font, handling either being null (treating null as the default font)
Returns the default normal typeface, which is never nullptr.
Given the data previously written by
, return a new instance of a typeface referring to the same font.Return a new typeface given a
.Return a new typeface given a file.
Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the requested familyName and fontStyle.
Return the uniqueID for the specified typeface.
Overloaded function.
Return an immutable copy of the requested font table, or nullptr if that table was not found.
Return the number of glyphs in the typeface.
Return the number of tables in the font.
Returns the typeface's intrinsic style attributes.
Return a rectangle (scaled to 1-pt) that represents the union of the bounds of all of the glyphs, but each one positioned at (0,).
Return the family name for this typeface.
Returns a list of (family name, language) pairs specified by the font.
Given a run of glyphs, return the associated horizontal adjustments.
Return the PostScript name for this typeface.
Returns the contents of a table.
Given a table tag, return the size of its contents, or 0 if not present.
Returns the list of table tags in the font.
Return the units-per-em value for this typeface, or zero if there is an error.
Returns the design variation parameters.
Returns the design variation coordinates.
Returns true if style() has the kBold bit set.
Returns true if the typeface claims to be fixed-pitch.
Returns true if style() has the kItalic bit set.
Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as specified in the
.Increment the reference count.
Returns a unique signature to a stream, sufficient to reconstruct a typeface referencing the same font when Deserialize is called.
Return the glyphID that corresponds to the specified unicode code-point (in UTF32 encoding).
Given an array of UTF32 character codes, return their corresponding glyph IDs.
May return true if the caller is the only owner.
Return a 32bit value for this typeface, unique for the underlying font data.
Decrement the reference count.
- static Typeface.Equal(self: skia.Typeface, other: skia.Typeface) bool
Returns true if the two typefaces reference the same underlying font, handling either being null (treating null as the default font)
- static Typeface.MakeDefault() skia.Typeface
Returns the default normal typeface, which is never nullptr.
- static Typeface.MakeDeserialize(dats: skia.Data) skia.Typeface
Given the data previously written by
, return a new instance of a typeface referring to the same font.If that font is not available, return nullptr.
- static Typeface.MakeFromData(data: skia.Data, index: int = 0) skia.Typeface
Return a new typeface given a
.If the data is null, or is not a valid font file, returns nullptr.
for the result ofserialize()
- static Typeface.MakeFromFile(path: str, index: int = 0) skia.Typeface
Return a new typeface given a file.
If the file does not exist, or is not a valid font file, returns nullptr.
- static Typeface.MakeFromName(familyName: object, fontStyle: skia.FontStyle = None) skia.Typeface
Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the requested familyName and fontStyle.
This method allows extended font face specifiers as in the
type. Will never return null.- Parameters:
familyName (str) – May be NULL. The name of the font family.
fontStyle (skia.FontStyle) – The style of the typeface.
- Returns:
reference to the closest-matching typeface.
- static Typeface.UniqueID(typeface: skia.Typeface) int
Return the uniqueID for the specified typeface.
If the face is null, resolve it to the default font and return its uniqueID. Will never return 0.
- Typeface.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: skia.Typeface) -> None
Returns the default normal typeface.
__init__(self: skia.Typeface, familyName: object, fontStyle: skia.FontStyle = None) -> None
Creates a new reference to the typeface that most closely matches the requested familyName and fontStyle.
This method allows extended font face specifiers as in the
type. Will never return null.- param str familyName:
May be NULL. The name of the font family.
- param skia.FontStyle fontStyle:
The style of the typeface.
- return:
reference to the closest-matching typeface.
- Typeface.copyTableData(self: skia.Typeface, tag: int) skia.Data
Return an immutable copy of the requested font table, or nullptr if that table was not found.
This can sometimes be faster than calling
twice: once to find the length, and then again to copy the data.- Parameters:
tag – The table tag whose contents are to be copied
- Returns:
an immutable copy of the table’s data, or nullptr.
- Typeface.countGlyphs(self: skia.Typeface) int
Return the number of glyphs in the typeface.
- Typeface.countTables(self: skia.Typeface) int
Return the number of tables in the font.
- Typeface.fontStyle(self: skia.Typeface) skia.FontStyle
Returns the typeface’s intrinsic style attributes.
- Typeface.getBounds(self: skia.Typeface) skia.Rect
Return a rectangle (scaled to 1-pt) that represents the union of the bounds of all of the glyphs, but each one positioned at (0,).
This may be conservatively large, and will not take into account any hinting or other size-specific adjustments.
- Typeface.getFamilyName(self: skia.Typeface) str
Return the family name for this typeface.
It will always be returned encoded as UTF8, but the language of the name is whatever the host platform chooses.
- Typeface.getFamilyNames(self: skia.Typeface) list
Returns a list of (family name, language) pairs specified by the font.
- Typeface.getKerningPairAdjustments(self: skia.Typeface, glyphs: list[int]) object
Given a run of glyphs, return the associated horizontal adjustments.
Adjustments are in “design units”, which are integers relative to the typeface’s units per em (see getUnitsPerEm).
Some typefaces are known to never support kerning. If the typeface does not support kerning, then this method will return None (no kerning) for all possible glyph runs.
- Typeface.getPostScriptName(self: skia.Typeface) str
Return the PostScript name for this typeface. Value may change based on variation parameters. Returns false if no PostScript name is available.
- Typeface.getTableData(self: skia.Typeface, tag: int) bytes
Returns the contents of a table.
Note that the contents of the table will be in their native endian order (which for most truetype tables is big endian). If the table tag is not found, or there is an error copying the data, then 0 is returned. If this happens, it is possible that some or all of the memory pointed to by data may have been written to, even though an error has occured.
- Parameters:
tag (int) – The table tag whose contents are to be copied.
- Returns:
table contents
- Typeface.getTableSize(self: skia.Typeface, tag: int) int
Given a table tag, return the size of its contents, or 0 if not present.
- Typeface.getTableTags(self: skia.Typeface) list[int]
Returns the list of table tags in the font.
- Typeface.getUnitsPerEm(self: skia.Typeface) int
Return the units-per-em value for this typeface, or zero if there is an error.
- Typeface.getVariationDesignParameters(self: skia.Typeface) list[skia.FontParameters.Variation.Axis]
Returns the design variation parameters.
- Returns:
List of axes.
- Return type:
- Typeface.getVariationDesignPosition(self: skia.Typeface) skia.FontArguments.VariationPosition.Coordinates
Returns the design variation coordinates.
- Parameters:
coordinateCount (int) – the maximum number of entries to get.
- Returns:
list of coordinates
- Return type:
- Typeface.isBold(self: skia.Typeface) bool
Returns true if style() has the kBold bit set.
- Typeface.isFixedPitch(self: skia.Typeface) bool
Returns true if the typeface claims to be fixed-pitch.
- Typeface.isItalic(self: skia.Typeface) bool
Returns true if style() has the kItalic bit set.
- Typeface.makeClone(self: skia.Typeface, fontArguments: skia.FontArguments) skia.Typeface
Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as specified in the
.If the
does not supply an argument for a parameter in the font then the value from this typeface will be used as the value for that argument. If the cloned typeface would be exaclty the same as this typeface then this typeface may be ref’ed and returned. May return nullptr on failure.
- Typeface.ref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None
Increment the reference count.
Must be balanced by a call to
- Typeface.serialize(self: skia.Typeface, behavior: skia.Typeface.SerializeBehavior = <SerializeBehavior.kIncludeDataIfLocal: 2>) skia.Data
Returns a unique signature to a stream, sufficient to reconstruct a typeface referencing the same font when Deserialize is called.
- Typeface.unicharToGlyph(self: skia.Typeface, unichar: int) int
Return the glyphID that corresponds to the specified unicode code-point (in UTF32 encoding).
If the unichar is not supported, returns 0.
This is a short-cut for calling
- Typeface.unicharsToGlyphs(self: skia.Typeface, chars: list[int]) list[int]
Given an array of UTF32 character codes, return their corresponding glyph IDs.
- Parameters:
chars (List[int]) – the array of UTF32 chars.
- Returns:
the corresponding glyph IDs for each character.
- Typeface.unique(self: skia.RefCntBase) bool
May return true if the caller is the only owner.
Ensures that all previous owner’s actions are complete.
- Typeface.uniqueID(self: skia.Typeface) int
Return a 32bit value for this typeface, unique for the underlying font data.
Will never return 0.
- Typeface.unref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None
Decrement the reference count.
If the reference count is 1 before the decrement, then delete the object. Note that if this is the case, then the object needs to have been allocated via new, and not on the stack.
- Typeface.kDoIncludeData = <SerializeBehavior.kDoIncludeData: 0>
- Typeface.kDontIncludeData = <SerializeBehavior.kDontIncludeData: 1>
- Typeface.kIncludeDataIfLocal = <SerializeBehavior.kIncludeDataIfLocal: 2>