- class YUVAInfo
Specifies the structure of planes for a YUV image with optional alpha. The actual planar data is not part of this structure and depending on usage is in external textures or pixmaps.
Specifies how YUV (and optionally A) are divided among planes. Planes are
Describes how subsampled chroma values are sited relative to luma values.
Does the PlanarConfig have alpha values?
Number of Y, U, V, A channels in the ith plane for a given PlanarConfig (or 0 if i is invalid).
Number of planes for a given PlanarConfig.
Given image dimensions, a planar configuration, and origin, determine the expected size of each plane.
Overloaded function.
Given a per-plane row bytes, determine size to allocate for all planes.
Dimensions of the full resolution image (after planes have been oriented to how the image is displayed as indicated by fOrigin).
Returns the number of planes and initializes planeDimensions[0]..planeDimensions[<ret>] to the expected dimensions for each plane.
- static YUVAInfo.HasAlpha(config: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig) bool
Does the PlanarConfig have alpha values?
- static YUVAInfo.NumChannelsInPlane(config: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig, i: int) int
Number of Y, U, V, A channels in the ith plane for a given PlanarConfig (or 0 if i is invalid).
- static YUVAInfo.NumPlanes(config: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig) int
Number of planes for a given PlanarConfig.
- static YUVAInfo.PlaneDimensions(imageDimensions: skia.ISize, config: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig, origin: skia.EncodedOrigin) list[skia.ISize]
Given image dimensions, a planar configuration, and origin, determine the expected size of each plane. Returns a list of expected planes.
The input image dimensions are as displayed (after the planes have been transformed to the intended display orientation).
- YUVAInfo.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: skia.YUVAInfo) -> None
__init__(self: skia.YUVAInfo, dimensions: skia.ISize, config: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig, yuvColorSpace: skia.YUVColorSpace, origin: skia.EncodedOrigin = <EncodedOrigin.kTopLeft_EncodedOrigin: 1>, sittingX: skia.YUVAInfo.Siting = <Siting.kCentered: 0>, sittingY: skia.YUVAInfo.Siting = <Siting.kCentered: 0>) -> None
‘dimensions’ should specify the size of the full resolution image (after planes have been oriented to how the image is displayed as indicated by ‘origin’).
- YUVAInfo.computeTotalBytes(self: skia.YUVAInfo, rowBytes: list[int], returnPlaneSizes: bool = False) object
Given a per-plane row bytes, determine size to allocate for all planes. Optionally retrieves the per-plane byte sizes if returnPlaneSizes is True. If total size overflows will return SIZE_MAX and set all planeSizes to SIZE_MAX.
- YUVAInfo.dimensions(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.ISize
Dimensions of the full resolution image (after planes have been oriented to how the image is displayed as indicated by fOrigin).
- YUVAInfo.hasAlpha(self: skia.YUVAInfo) bool
- YUVAInfo.height(self: skia.YUVAInfo) int
- YUVAInfo.numChannelsInPlane(self: skia.YUVAInfo, i: int) int
- YUVAInfo.numPlanes(self: skia.YUVAInfo) int
- YUVAInfo.origin(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.EncodedOrigin
- YUVAInfo.planarConfig(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig
- YUVAInfo.planeDimensions(self: skia.YUVAInfo) list[skia.ISize]
Returns the number of planes and initializes planeDimensions[0]..planeDimensions[<ret>] to the expected dimensions for each plane. Dimensions are as stored in memory, before transformation to image display space as indicated by origin().
- YUVAInfo.sitingX(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.YUVAInfo.Siting
- YUVAInfo.sitingY(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.YUVAInfo.Siting
- YUVAInfo.width(self: skia.YUVAInfo) int
- YUVAInfo.yuvColorSpace(self: skia.YUVAInfo) skia.YUVColorSpace
- YUVAInfo.kCentered = <Siting.kCentered: 0>
- YUVAInfo.kMaxPlanes = 4
- YUVAInfo.kUYVA_4444 = <PlanarConfig.kUYVA_4444: 16>
- YUVAInfo.kUYV_444 = <PlanarConfig.kUYV_444: 14>
- YUVAInfo.kYUVA_4444 = <PlanarConfig.kYUVA_4444: 15>
- YUVAInfo.kYUV_444 = <PlanarConfig.kYUV_444: 13>
- YUVAInfo.kY_UV_420 = <PlanarConfig.kY_UV_420: 9>
- YUVAInfo.kY_UV_A_4204 = <PlanarConfig.kY_UV_A_4204: 11>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_410 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_410: 6>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_411 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_411: 5>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_420 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_420: 2>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_422 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_422: 1>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_440 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_440: 4>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_444 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_444: 0>
- YUVAInfo.kY_U_V_A_4204 = <PlanarConfig.kY_U_V_A_4204: 7>
- YUVAInfo.kY_VU_420 = <PlanarConfig.kY_VU_420: 10>
- YUVAInfo.kY_VU_A_4204 = <PlanarConfig.kY_VU_A_4204: 12>
- YUVAInfo.kY_V_U_420 = <PlanarConfig.kY_V_U_420: 3>
- YUVAInfo.kY_V_U_A_4204 = <PlanarConfig.kY_V_U_A_4204: 8>