
class GrRecordingContext




Reports whether the GrDirectContext associated with this GrRecordingContext is abandoned.


Safely downcast to a GrDirectContext.


The 3D API backing this context.


Can a Image be created with the given color type.


Can a Surface be created with the given color type.



Retrieve the default GrBackendFormat for a given ColorType and renderability.


Gets the maximum supported render target size.


Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type.


Gets the maximum supported texture size.


Increment the reference count.



May return true if the caller is the only owner.


Decrement the reference count.


GrRecordingContext.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
GrRecordingContext.abandoned(self: skia.GrRecordingContext) bool

Reports whether the GrDirectContext associated with this GrRecordingContext is abandoned.

When called on a GrDirectContext it may actively check whether the underlying 3D API device/context has been disconnected before reporting the status. If so, calling this method will transition the GrDirectContext to the abandoned state.

GrRecordingContext.asDirectContext(self: skia.GrContext_Base) GrDirectContext

Safely downcast to a GrDirectContext.

GrRecordingContext.backend(self: skia.GrContext_Base) skia.GrBackendApi

The 3D API backing this context.

GrRecordingContext.colorTypeSupportedAsImage(self: skia.GrRecordingContext, arg0: SkColorType) bool

Can a Image be created with the given color type.

GrRecordingContext.colorTypeSupportedAsSurface(self: skia.GrRecordingContext, colorType: SkColorType) bool

Can a Surface be created with the given color type. To check whether MSAA is supported use maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType().

GrRecordingContext.compressedBackendFormat(self: skia.GrContext_Base, arg0: SkImage::CompressionType) skia.GrBackendFormat
GrRecordingContext.defaultBackendFormat(self: skia.GrRecordingContext, colorType: SkColorType, renderable: skia.GrRenderable = <GrRenderable.kNo: 0>) skia.GrBackendFormat

Retrieve the default GrBackendFormat for a given ColorType and renderability.

It is guaranteed that this backend format will be the one used by the following ColorType and SurfaceCharacterization-based createBackendTexture() methods.

The caller should check that the returned format is valid.

GrRecordingContext.maxRenderTargetSize(self: skia.GrRecordingContext) int

Gets the maximum supported render target size.

GrRecordingContext.maxSurfaceSampleCountForColorType(self: skia.GrRecordingContext, arg0: SkColorType) int

Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type.

1 is returned if only non-MSAA rendering is supported for the color type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type is not supported at all.

GrRecordingContext.maxTextureSize(self: skia.GrRecordingContext) int

Gets the maximum supported texture size.

GrRecordingContext.ref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None

Increment the reference count.

Must be balanced by a call to unref().

GrRecordingContext.threadSafeProxy(self: skia.GrContext_Base) GrContextThreadSafeProxy
GrRecordingContext.unique(self: skia.RefCntBase) bool

May return true if the caller is the only owner.

Ensures that all previous owner’s actions are complete.

GrRecordingContext.unref(self: skia.RefCntBase) None

Decrement the reference count.

If the reference count is 1 before the decrement, then delete the object. Note that if this is the case, then the object needs to have been allocated via new, and not on the stack.