- class DashType
If the
can be represented as a dash pattern, asADash will return kDash_DashType and None otherwise.If a non NULL info is passed in, the various
will be filled in if thePathEffect
can be a dash pattern. If passed in info has an fCount equal or greater to that of the effect, it will memcpy the values of the dash intervals into the info. Thus the general approach will be call asADash once with default info to get DashType and fCount. If effect can be represented as a dash pattern, allocate space for the intervals in info, then call asADash again with the same info and the intervals will get copied in.Members:
kNone_DashType : ignores the info parameter
kDash_DashType : fills in all of the info parameter
- DashType.__init__(self: skia.PathEffect.DashType, value: int) None
- DashType.kDash_DashType = <DashType.kDash_DashType: 1>
- DashType.kNone_DashType = <DashType.kNone_DashType: 0>
- DashType.name
- DashType.value