- class CropRect
Overloaded function.
Apply this cropRect to the imageBounds.
- CropRect.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: skia.ImageFilter.CropRect) -> None
__init__(self: skia.ImageFilter.CropRect, rect: skia.Rect, flags: int = <CropEdge.kHasAll_CropEdge: 15>) -> None
- CropRect.applyTo(self: skia.ImageFilter.CropRect, imageBounds: skia.IRect, matrix: skia.Matrix, embiggen: bool) skia.IRect
Apply this cropRect to the imageBounds.
If a given edge of the cropRect is not set, then the corresponding edge from imageBounds will be used. If “embiggen” is true, the crop rect is allowed to enlarge the size of the rect, otherwise it may only reduce the rect. Filters that can affect transparent black should pass “true”, while all other filters should pass “false”.
Note: imageBounds is in “device” space, as the output cropped rectangle will be, so the matrix is ignored for those. It is only applied to the cropRect’s bounds.
- CropRect.flags(self: skia.ImageFilter.CropRect) int
- CropRect.rect(self: skia.ImageFilter.CropRect) skia.Rect
- CropRect.kHasAll_CropEdge = <CropEdge.kHasAll_CropEdge: 15>
- CropRect.kHasHeight_CropEdge = <CropEdge.kHasHeight_CropEdge: 8>
- CropRect.kHasLeft_CropEdge = <CropEdge.kHasLeft_CropEdge: 1>
- CropRect.kHasTop_CropEdge = <CropEdge.kHasTop_CropEdge: 2>
- CropRect.kHasWidth_CropEdge = <CropEdge.kHasWidth_CropEdge: 4>