
class SupportedDataTypes



All legal combinations of PlanarConfig and DataType are supported.


Overloaded function.


Update to add support for pixmaps with numChannel channels where each channel is represented as DataType.


Checks whether there is a supported combination of color types for planes structured as indicated by PlanarConfig with channel data types as indicated by DataType.


static SupportedDataTypes.All() skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes

All legal combinations of PlanarConfig and DataType are supported.

SupportedDataTypes.__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes) -> None

    Defaults to nothing supported.

  2. __init__(self: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes, context: skia.GrImageContext) -> None

    Init based on texture formats supported by the context.

SupportedDataTypes.enableDataType(self: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes, dataType: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType, numChannels: int) None

Update to add support for pixmaps with numChannel channels where each channel is represented as DataType.

SupportedDataTypes.supported(self: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.SupportedDataTypes, planarConfig: skia.YUVAInfo.PlanarConfig, dataType: skia.YUVAPixmapInfo.DataType) bool

Checks whether there is a supported combination of color types for planes structured as indicated by PlanarConfig with channel data types as indicated by DataType.